Crypto Tracker

During the spring of 2022, when cryptocurrencies were rapidly becoming a buzzword in financial circles, the need for reliable tools to track these volatile assets had never been more critical. As part of my journey through COMP 484: Web Engineering I at California State University, Northridge, I seized the opportunity to address this challenge by developing Crypto Tracker—a web application designed to monitor and visualize real-time cryptocurrency prices. This project not only sharpened my web development skills but also aimed to provide a tangible solution to a modern-day problem faced by many.

The Need for Real-Time Cryptocurrency Monitoring

The world of cryptocurrency is fast-paced and ever-changing, with prices that can fluctuate dramatically within minutes. For investors, enthusiasts, and casual users alike, staying updated with real-time prices is crucial. However, many existing tools are either overly complex or lack the precision needed for timely decision-making. Recognizing this gap, I set out to create a streamlined, user-friendly application that could provide real-time updates and insights into the cryptocurrency market.

From Concept to Reality

The idea for Crypto Tracker was born out of a desire to merge my academic learnings with real-world applications. The goal was to build a functional web application that not only demonstrated my understanding of modern web technologies but also served a practical purpose. After considering various project ideas, I chose to focus on cryptocurrency tracking due to its relevance and the technical challenges it presented.


The development of Crypto Tracker was a challenging yet rewarding experience. The project was built using React.js, a powerful JavaScript library known for its efficiency in creating user interfaces. To ensure that the application was both functional and visually appealing, I employed Material-UI for the design. This UI framework provided pre-built components that streamlined the design process and ensured a consistent look and feel throughout the application.

For data retrieval, I used Axios, a promise-based HTTP client that facilitated communication with external APIs to fetch real-time cryptocurrency prices. The application’s key features include a clean, user-friendly interface that displays up-to-date prices for various cryptocurrencies, interactive elements that allow users to filter and sort data, and a responsive design that ensures usability across different devices.

Technologies and Frameworks

The application was developed using the following key technologies:

  • React.js: React was the obvious choice for building the front-end of Crypto Tracker. Its component-based architecture made it easier to manage the dynamic nature of the application, especially when dealing with real-time data. React’s state management capabilities were crucial in ensuring that the cryptocurrency prices were updated consistently without any performance lags.
  • Material-UI: To ensure that Crypto Tracker was not just functional but also aesthetically pleasing, I employed Material-UI. This design framework provided a set of pre-built components that were easy to customize and integrate, giving the application a modern and professional look. Material-UI’s responsive design elements also ensured that the application was accessible across different devices, enhancing user experience.
  • Axios: Given that the core functionality of Crypto Tracker relies on fetching up-to-date cryptocurrency prices, choosing the right tool for API integration was critical. Axios, with its promise-based HTTP client, was the perfect solution. It allowed for smooth communication with external APIs, ensuring that the data was retrieved quickly and displayed accurately on the user interface.

These technologies were not chosen at random. React.js offered the flexibility and performance needed for a real-time data-driven application, while Material-UI ensured that the interface was both modern and accessible. Axios made API integration straightforward, allowing for efficient data handling within the application.

Learning Outcomes

Developing Crypto Tracker during the Spring 2022 semester was a significant milestone in my journey through web engineering. The project reinforced the principles taught in COMP 484, such as the importance of modular design, efficient data processing, and creating secure, user-friendly applications. It also enhanced my skills in React.js and API integration, which are crucial for any modern web developer.

The project also provided a real-world context to the theoretical concepts covered in the course. By applying what I learned in a tangible way, I gained a deeper understanding of how web technologies can be harnessed to create innovative solutions to contemporary challenges.

For those interested in exploring Crypto Tracker, you can find the GitHub repository here and the live deployment here.


What inspired the creation of Crypto Tracker?
Crypto Tracker was inspired by the need for a simple, user-friendly tool to track real-time cryptocurrency prices. It was developed in Spring 2022 as part of my undergraduate coursework for COMP 484 at California State University, Northridge.

Which technologies were used to build Crypto Tracker?
The project was built using React.js for the front-end, Material-UI for the design, and Axios for API integration to fetch real-time cryptocurrency data.

What challenges did you face during the development of Crypto Tracker?
Some of the main challenges included managing the application state effectively to handle real-time data and integrating multiple APIs with different data structures.

Is Crypto Tracker open-source?
Yes, Crypto Tracker is open-source. You can view the code on GitHub here.

Can I contribute to the development of Crypto Tracker?
While there are no plans to expand the project further, contributions are welcome on GitHub. Feel free to fork the repository and experiment with the code.

Why was React.js chosen for this project?
React.js was chosen for its component-based architecture and efficiency in handling dynamic, data-driven interfaces, making it an ideal choice for a real-time application like Crypto Tracker.

Articles: 5

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